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SDK generator

TypeHub provides all tools to build an SDK generation setup where you automatically update all client SDKs if you make a change at your specification. The following document describes how this setup works.


We assume that you have already registered at TypeHub and you have an existing document which you like to use for automatic SDK generation.


At first we need to create a trigger which invokes a specific workflow everytime you change your specification. To register a new trigger you need to login and go to the "Trigger" tab at your document s. for example.

Trigger image

If you click on the new trigger button you see the following modal dialog s.

Trigger new image

At the Owner field you need to provide the name of your GitHub user or organization. The Repo field contains the name of your repository. At the Workflow-Id field you need to provide the name of a specific GitHub action file i.e. sdkgen.yml. The Access-Token field must contain a Personal-Access-Token which contains the "action" scope. The Ref field contains optional the name of your main branch in case it is not "main".

If you click on save TypeHub will test your settings and create a new trigger in case everything works. Note the provided workflow file must exist at your repository otherwise TypeHub will show you an error. Now we have completed the first step to trigger a remote GitHub workflow in case you specification changes.


As next step we need to create a fitting workflow file which generates the code based on your specification and commit the generated files to your repository. I.e. you could create the following GitHub workflow file at .github/workflows/sdkgen.yml at your repository.

name: SDKgen
        description: "The TypeHub commit message on commit"
        required: false
        description: "The TypeHub version on tag"
        required: false
        description: "The TypeHub changelog on tag"
        required: false
  contents: 'write'
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - uses: apioo/sdkgen-generator-action@v0.2.1
          client_id: '${{ secrets.SDKGEN_CLIENT_ID }}'
          client_secret: '${{ secrets.SDKGEN_CLIENT_SECRET }}'
          typehub_message: '${{ inputs.typehub_message }}'
          typehub_version: '${{ inputs.typehub_version }}'
          typehub_changelog: '${{ inputs.typehub_changelog }}'
    if: "${{ inputs.typehub_version != '' }}"
    needs: generate
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - uses: actions/setup-node@v3
          node-version: '16.x'
          registry-url: 'https://registry.npmjs.org'
      - run: npm version ${{ inputs.typehub_version }} --no-git-tag-version
      - run: npm install
      - run: npm run build
      - run: npm publish --access public
          NODE_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NPM_TOKEN }}

In this example we use the SDKgen Code Generator GitHub action to generate the code from your specification. The SDKGEN_CLIENT_ID and SDKGEN_CLIENT_SECRET repository secrets must be configured at your repository and should be the credentials of your sdkgen.app account. At your repository root you need to add a sdkgen.json file which describes how the code is generated i.e.

  "type": "client-typescript",
  "require": {
    "fusio/sdk": {
      "target": "./src"

In this example we use typescript as target language but you can of course use any language which is also available at TypeHub. The key of the required object must be the name of your document at TypeHub.


With this simple setup we have created a flexible infrastructure to automatically generate modern client SDKs based on your specification. Everytime you make changes to your document at TypeHub all connected repositories are automatically updated.

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