
A next generation API and data design platform.

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TypeHub is a GitHub like platform to design API specifications

It helps your team/community to work on a single specification and
it provides a sophisticated code generator to generate high quality client SDKs.


TypeHub provides a powerful editor to quickly describe an existing REST API or data models. It is also possible to import existing OpenAPI specifications.


TypeHub is a social platform since anyone on the platform can improve your specification by submitting a pull-request. The workflow is similar to GitHub where a user can fork your specification, make local changes and then submit the changes to your specification.


Once you have a final version you can create a tag to publish a release. TypeHub automatically selects a fitting version according to semantic versioning and generates a changelog about all changes.


TypeHub provides a powerful code generator which turns your specification into different client SDKs and data models. This helps other users to easily integrate your service.


Every change to your specification is saved as commit, which provides a perfect history about all changes to your specification. Each commit is saved in a blockchain so that you can easily verify the integrity of your specification.


TypeHub allows you to configure external repositories to automatically trigger remote workflows. This makes it really easy to automatically update multiple client SDKs without any manual work.

part of the Apioo-Project